
Get Consistent Coaching with Our Online Training Subscription

Train smarter, not harder, with personalised coaching that adapts to your progress. Subscribe for ongoing support and guidance.


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Basic Information

Required for Whatsapp support

Fitness Goals

What are your primary fitness goals?

Current Fitness Level & Activity

E.g., how many days a week, types of exercises, duration
What’s your preferred type of exercise? (Multiple Choice)

Physical & Medical Conditions

Are you currently under any medications that could affect your training?

Nutrition & Dietary Preferences

E.g., daily calorie intake, meal frequency, types of foods
Do you follow a specific diet or have any dietary preferences? (Multiple Choice)
Would you like a personalised meal plan alongside your workouts?

Training Preferences & Lifestyle

Where do you prefer to work out?
What time of day do you usually train?

Motivation & Accountability

How do you stay motivated? (Multiple Choice)

Additional Information

Preferred method of communication for updates and check-ins?

Subscription Plan